Tips for Self Build - Things to consider when selecting a site:
The size of the site- is it big enough for the house you need? Remember that large
houses need very large sites (can the site accommodate a septic tank?)
Slopes : Sloping sites can offer potential for changes in floor level and a variety of internal spaces but excessively steep gradients can cause large problems in terms of access and achieving a house that blends in.
Beware of potential overlooking issues with neighbours.Consider the impact your house may have on your neighbours and the local landscape setting.
Sun - where does the sun rise and set? Ideally the best views should be to the south (though south west or west are also acceptable) Avoid sites where the south side has a poor outlook and is in shadow(for instance due to shadow caused by mature trees), or where the best views are to the north.
When buying a site with outline planning permission ensure there are no restrictive planning conditions that may limit its potential .
How well drained is the site?
How do you get access onto the site?
Can the necessary visibility splays be provided within the boundary of the site, without excessive, undue removal of roadside hedges and trees?
Is your site within an area designated for nature conservation, archaeological or built heritage?
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