Can't believe it's a week since we started living in the house.
Still a few bits to do inside - insulate the attic space, varnish the stairs and some of the skirting.
The gas still hasn't been connected - turns out the pipe under the floor has a leak - so it's a bit of a bigger job. Sowe have been making more use of the solid fuel range - which is probably a good thing. I cooked a couple of full meals on it - and it is heating the water at the same time. We are using peat briquettes mixed with bits of left over timber from the house building.
It's like the calm after the storm now it's all over. Months of chasing and deciding and shopping and decorating - now I feel like there's something I should be doing - or someone to chase - but the urgency has gone. Maybe we should start another one !!
It was a challenge for someone with no experience of DIY or anything - to take on the project of building a house. But that i swhat I did - project manage the building - controlled the budget and timescale where possible.
Would I recommend it ? Probably not. If I was to advise someone going down the same path - I think I would say to get a reputable local contractor to take on the full job. (Make sure you have detailed specifications before you start of all things like insulation etc. Make sure you have plenty of quotes and see the work of the builder before selecting them. Try - if possible - to build in a penalty clause for late completion.
My main reason for giving this advise would be that a good builder will be able to call on a pool of tradesmen who will probably try to do agood job on time - if they want to work for him again. The sole self builder is not important to these tradesmen - he is just a fill in job for many of them - and they wren't too concerned about getting further jobs from you - so they have no incentive to do the job cheap or on time or to a good quality.
I don't think we fared too badly - but all along I felt that I had no power when trying to get people to turn up on time.
The hassle and chasing would be handled by the contractor - you would be paying for the privelige - but the overall price would be fixed from the start - so there would be no surprises along the way.
So my advice would be to get a good price from a reputable builder and keep an eye on the job. (That's what I'll do for the next one !!!)
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Good luck in your new home.
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