It's getting close to the target move in day - and things are going fairly well.
The kitchen is fitted - just expecting the gas fitter to come on Thurday to connect the hob to the gas (cylinder).
The electrical work is almost complete - just the immersion to connect - but that isn't vital.
The plumber just has to give the heating a final test and balance if required - there are a few rads not working.
The stairs are 80% complete - they arrived yesterday after havng to arrange delivery myself! The joiners knocked a bit off the price beacause of that. he carpenter called round soon after the stairs arrived - and finally got the spindles etc fitted by 6pm today. We went for metal spindles from Richard Burbidge - but they are not as easy as they appear! the distance between the hand rail and base rail meant that we had to cut each spindle!! - This neede an angle grinder . The leaflet said a hacksaw would do - but that would have aken ages. Some of the spindles didn't fit into the brackets very well and needed a good bit of banging and 1 or 2 were just wasted. The final result looks great - but if you choose these - don't expect an easy job. The carpenter was fed up by the end of the day.
The TV aerial was fitted today - which is the most important thing as far as the kids are concerned!! We can get BBC and ITV - as well as the Irish channels but the picture isn't too good on the UK channels. We might get Sky Digital - mainly for the free to air channels. f you pay for a years subscription you get the equipment installed free - and after a year you can use the dish to get the free channels. (as long as the kids don't get hooked on the sky stuff)
Furniture tomorrow and blinds being fitted.
Curtain poles are turning out to be a pain to fit and I am hinting to the carpenter to give me a hand ) the blind fitter didn't want to know)
Most of the boxes of all the bits and bobs - books cds etc etc etc have been moved in to the house. The rest of the stuff will be moved tomorrow and Thursday.
So - 10 months since we turned the first sod - we will be living in out new home in Ireland.
I will getr some pictures soon when all the mess is cleared up
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