Saturday, June 25, 2005

Hello Tom Ruane

Tom is one of my regular readers - though he hates to admit it - he's always popping in to see what I've written. He thinks I'm sad - and maybe he's right. Maybe I need to get out more!
Tom was one of my major influences for going down the route of employing direct labour to build the house. He had a house built over a year ago and it was him who I went to to give me some idea of what things would cost us. His figures turned out to be pretty close.
Anyway - Tom - if you see this you must be as sad as me to be reading it.
Hello to Pat Ruane too - his brother - who will be getting a house built in the next few months.


Anonymous said...


Please can you give another update on your costs to date. Very useful information. Also please continue to blog post occupency as it'd be interesting to know your utility bills etc.

admin said...

I'll do a summary of costs in a couple of days with some breakdowns too. Busy painting at the moment in between looking after 4 sons while my wife is working full time.