Monday, April 04, 2005

Staircase Construction

We got in touch with a few staircase makers today. The stairs we want are fairly basic and functional . It's just a straight stairs - no landing. We will probably go for Red Deal - which is a type of Pine - it's not the cheapest but it's well away from being the dearest wood. The doors inthe house are all going to be pine - so the stairs may as well match. Most (all but one) of the stair makers we rang will not fit the stairs. That seemed a bit strange to me - I thought that they would do a better job if they had to fit them? The prices ranged from 750 euro to 1000 euro - excluding fitting. The one company that would fit too - quoted 800 euro for that.
We will make a final decision in a week or two - because they need a few weeks notice anf if everything carries on well - we should be needing them in about 4 or 5 weeks.
If the price isn't to prohibitive we might have metal spindles instead of wood - but most of the companies want you to supply those. I will be googling for stair parts tonight!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hi, great site, you are putting a lot of work into it.
I'm also self building in the Galway area, its a dauting task especially when you have to work as well but we'll get there.
I do some building products myself also, if you want to have a look at them check out
Good luck with the build you seem to be doing very well and making great time.
Regards Noel.