Tuesday, April 05, 2005

More on Waste Treatment

We had another visit from a waste treatment plant supplier today - Klargester this time. They supply a thing called Biodisc - which is different from most of the others on the market. Most of the others operate by pumping compressed air into the sewage to get bacteria to grow and break down the waste. The biodisc has a rotating disc which is supposed to expose the bacteria to the air - and allowing them to "breathe " that way.
It's 3500 euro plus VAT and that doesn't include any help with fitting. A firm will supply and fit for an extra 1500 euro !!. I will probably go with Envirocare. The crazy thing is - they are both owned by Kingspan anyway - so either way it will be more profit for them. I really will think about buying shares in Kingspan. If the house building in Ireland and the UK carries on at the rate it is now - then Kingspan will be making loads of profit.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hi, I love your website,

It gives a good insight into self build for the un-initiated.
I have built twice now and both times I used Envirocare.
I have to say the service was excellent, and after researching a number of systems I believe theirs is one of the best.

Keep up the good work,

James - Kildare